Pytorch Windows EOFError: Ran out of input when num_workers>0

Shittu Olumide Ayodeji
4 min readJun 24, 2023
Image by the Author.

The “EOFError: Ran out of input when num_workers>0” error in PyTorch on Windows is a commonly encountered issue that occurs when using PyTorch’s DataLoader with multiple worker processes (num_workers > 0) to load data in parallel from disk or other sources. The error message indicates that the DataLoader has run out of input data before completing the requested number of worker processes.

This error typically arises due to compatibility issues between PyTorch and the Windows operating system. However, it can also be caused by insufficient system resources or conflicts with other software or libraries. PyTorch relies on multi-threading or multi-processing to load data efficiently, and Windows has certain limitations and peculiarities that can impact the behavior of these processes.

When num_workers is set to a value greater than zero, the DataLoader spawns multiple worker processes to load data in parallel. Each worker process independently loads a portion of the data, allowing faster data loading and improved training performance. However, on Windows, issues related to inter-process communication, file handling, or resource allocation can cause the DataLoader to encounter the “EOFError” and terminate prematurely.

Troubleshooting Steps

To resolve this error, several troubleshooting steps can be taken.

Verifying PyTorch and Python versions compatibility

  1. Check the PyTorch documentation for the recommended Python version.
  2. Verify that your Python version matches the recommended version for the PyTorch version you are using.
  3. If there is a mismatch, consider upgrading or downgrading either PyTorch or Python to ensure compatibility.

Checking system requirements and available resources

  1. Ensure that your Windows operating system meets the minimum requirements specified by PyTorch.
  2. Check the available system resources such as CPU, memory, and disk space to ensure they are sufficient for your task.
  3. Consider closing any unnecessary applications or processes that may be consuming resources.

Updating drivers and software dependencies

  1. Update your graphics card drivers to the latest version compatible with your hardware.
  2. Update other relevant drivers, such as CUDA drivers, if you use GPU acceleration.
  3. Check and update any other software dependencies that PyTorch relies on, such as numpy or torchvision.

Adjusting the num_workers parameter

  1. If you encounter the “EOFError: Ran out of input when num_workers>0” error, try reducing the num_workers value in the DataLoader.
  2. Set the num_workers parameter to 0 and check if the error still occurs. If it does not, gradually increase the num_workers value until the error resurfaces.
  3. Find the maximum num_workers value that works without triggering the error, balancing efficient data loading and system stability.

Running PyTorch in a virtual environment

  1. Create a virtual environment using tools like Anaconda or virtualenv to isolate your PyTorch installation.
  2. Install PyTorch and its dependencies within the virtual environment.
  3. Run your PyTorch code within the virtual environment to ensure a clean and controlled environment.

Resolving conflicts with other software or libraries

  1. Check for any conflicts between PyTorch and other software or libraries installed on your system.
  2. Temporarily disable or remove conflicting software or libraries to see if the error persists.
  3. If a conflict is identified, search for possible solutions or workarounds provided by the PyTorch community or the developers of the conflicting software.

Note: It’s important to document and test each troubleshooting step to identify the specific cause of the “EOFError: Ran out of input when num_workers>0” error.

Another method to use is the try and except block to catch the EOFError, here is the code sample:

import torch
from import DataLoader

# Set the num_workers parameter based on your system resources
num_workers = 4

# Create your dataset and DataLoader
dataset = YourDataset()
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, num_workers=num_workers)

# Wrap your main code in a try-except block to catch the EOFError
# Your main code that uses the dataloader goes here
for batch in dataloader:
# Process your data

except EOFError:
# If an EOFError occurs, rerun the dataloader with fewer num_workers
reduced_num_workers = num_workers - 1
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, num_workers=reduced_num_workers)

# Retry your main code
for batch in dataloader:
# Process your data


  1. Import the necessary modules: Import the torch module for PyTorch and the DataLoader class from
  2. Set the num_workers parameter: Determine the number of worker processes you want to use for data loading. This value should be adjusted based on your system's available resources.
  3. Create the dataset and DataLoader: Replace YourDataset with your own custom dataset class or PyTorch's built-in dataset class. Initialize a DataLoader object, passing in the dataset and the num_workers parameter.
  4. Wrap your main code in a try-except block: Surround your main code that uses the dataloader with a try-except block to catch the EOFError exception.
  5. Handle the EOFError: If an EOFError occurs, it means that the data loading process ran out of input. In this case, you can reduce the num_workers value by 1 and rerun the dataloader with the updated parameter.
  6. Retry your main code: After adjusting the num_workers value, retry your main code that uses the dataloader. The updated dataloader will load the data with the reduced number of worker processes.

By catching the EOFError and reducing the num_workers this code provides a workaround for the "EOFError: Ran out of input when num_workers>0" issue in PyTorch on Windows. Remember to adapt the code to your specific dataset and processing requirements.


In conclusion, the “EOFError: Ran out of input when num_workers>0” error in PyTorch on Windows is a complex issue that can arise due to compatibility, resource, or software conflicts. Troubleshooting steps, such as verifying compatibility, checking system resources, and adjusting parameters, can help resolve the error.

If the issue persists, it is advisable to report the problem to the PyTorch community or seek assistance from the PyTorch developers. They may be able to provide further guidance, identify specific Windows-related bugs or workarounds, and contribute to finding a solution.



Shittu Olumide Ayodeji

Hello 👋 my name is Shittu Olumide, I am a skilled software developer and technical writer, compassionate about the community and its members.